Passive fire news and industry article archives
How construction consulting became a niche industry success – a “Future of Australia” podcast
Plus Systems Co-founder Gina Patrick was a guest on the “Future of Australia” podcast following a 27% growth in revenue landing us on the 2018 Financial Review list of 100 fastest growing new companies.
Is your legal case involving fire defects going around in circles?
For construction lawyers, getting an expert witness on any building defect type can be challenging, but when it involves a niche industry where education and quality levels over the years have been negligible or misunderstood, what happens then?
Are there enough passive fire inspections on your building?
Passive fire compliance… you know you need it…
With many cases of defects in highly publicised cases, your works are bound to be scrutinised more closely, so it’s a necessity to be diligent, compliant, and create evidence.
Please stop using Zinc Anchors in fire walls…
During our inspections we constantly find fire walls where Zinc Alloy fixings (Shuredrives) have been used, and generally proudly the installer declares “I used metal anchors” – well maybe so but sorry they are the wrong ones, as they may melt in a fire!
How you can save money on passive fire compliance?
As we move into the new financial year and assess our expenses, it is time to consider not only what we can cut short term, but what can we invest in to save in the long term to benefit our businesses.
Passive Fire Penetration registers, getting it right the first time every time!
After the 2017 QBCC crackdown, there has been a notable increase in scrutiny not only when it comes to passive fire works, but the documentation and certification surrounding them, including penetration registers.